
BSL poem - Reflection on 1880, Milan

"The Second International Congress on Education of the Deaf was (despite the name) the first international conference of deaf educators held in Milan, Italy in 1880. It is commonly known as "The Milan Conference". After deliberations from September 6 to 11, 1880, the conference declared that oral education was superior tomanual education and passed a resolution banning the use of sign language in school. After its passage in 1880, schools in European countries and the United States switched to using speech therapy without sign language as a method of education for the deaf." (Wiki)

How do deaf people value this decision, what do they think about it's influence on their education, their lives?

"This riveting Milan 1880 themed poetry, signed by John Wilson and directed by {Nick Sturley} for SIGN ON back in 1993, explores the comparison between the oppressive oral education for the deaf and the cruel killings of the whales." (Ytube)